Election Day

Producers Lila and Michael LaHood are driving across the United States to interview people for Election Day (working title), a documentary on voting and the electoral process.

Monday, October 25, 2004

DAY 21

Today was one of our best days of filming. We tried to set up a last-minute meeting with a local voter advocacy group in Tallahassee, but when that didn’t work out we shifted gears: more on-the-street interviews. We made our way to the center of town and arbitrarily picked a scenic corner. Fortuitously, we had chosen a spot on the same block as the early voting polling place for Leon County. We filmed our first few interviews far from the entrance to the polls, but once we noticed a local television crew interviewing voters as they waited in line, we adopted a bolder approach. By lunchtime, we had interviewed a dozen people.

Energized by our successful morning, we started driving west on Interstate 10. We made a brief stop to film in Mobile, Alabama, and then continued on to New Orleans. After dinner in the French Quarter, we drove the final stretch to Lafayette where we are spending the night.


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